Current Inventory as of 02/13/25 08:20 PM  
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U.S. and Overseas colors available.
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Records 1 to 30 of 700  | Next
ColorTypeDescription FinishLengthWidthHeightQty on HandQty on Order
American BlackBaseFlat Top Pol Top / BRP3' 0' '1' 0' '0' 6' '10
American BlackTabletRex 1119
Pol 2 BRP2' 2' '0' 6' '3' 4' '10
American BlackVaseTurned Vase
All Polished0' 4' '0' 4' '0' 10' '20
American BlackVaseTurned Vase
All Polished0' 5' '0' 5' '0' 9' '320
American BlackVaseTurned Vase
All Polished0' 6' '0' 6' '0' 10' '150
BarreVaseTurned Vase
All Polished0' 5' '0' 5' '0' 9' '510
BarreVaseTurned Vase
All Polished0' 6' '0' 6' '0' 10' '570
BellinghamFlat MarkerFlat Top
FLATMKRNCL2' 0' '1' 0' '0' 4' '50
Blue PearlBaseFlat Top Pol Top - 2" Pol Mgn - BRP2' 6' '1' 4' '0' 6' '10
Blue PearlBevel Marker2" Bevel Polished Bevel Face - BRP3' 0' '1' 0' '0' 6' '30
Blue PearlFlat MarkerFlat Top
Pol Top BRP2' 0' '1' 0' '0' 4' '60
Blue PearlTabletSerp Top - No Taper
Pol 2 BRP2' 6' '0' 6' '1' 8' '10
Blue PearlVaseTurned Vase
All Polished0' 4' '0' 4' '0' 10' '30
Blue PearlVaseTurned Vase
All Polished0' 5' '0' 5' '0' 9' '220
Blue PearlVaseTurned Vase
All Polished0' 6' '0' 6' '0' 10' '170
Canadian MahoganyBaseFlat Top Pol Top / BRP4' 0' '1' 0' '0' 6' '50
Canadian MahoganyTabletSerp Top - No Taper
Pol 2 BRP3' 0' '0' 6' '1' 10' '10
Canadian MahoganyTabletSerp Top - No Taper
Pol 2 BRP3' 0' '0' 6' '1' 8' '40
Canadian MahoganyTabletSerp Top - No Taper
Pol 2 BRP3' 0' '0' 6' '2' 0' '10
Cats Eye BrownVaseTurned Vase
All Polished0' 4' '0' 4' '0' 10' '20
Charcoal3pc BenchStraight Straight4' 0' '1' 2' '0' 4' '10
CharcoalBaseFlat Top Pol Top - 2" Pol Mgn - BRP5' 0' '1' 2' '0' 8' '10
CharcoalFlat MarkerFlat Top
Pol Top BRP2' 0' '1' 0' '0' 4' '60
CharcoalFlat MarkerFlat Top
Pol Top BRP3' 6' '1' 0' '0' 4' '60
CharcoalFlat MarkerFlat Top
Pol Top BRP4' 0' '1' 2' '0' 4' '30
CharcoalLegStraight All Polish1' 0' '0' 4' '1' 2' '40
CharcoalPedestalDakota Design - 1062
All Polish3' 8' '0' 8' '1' 2' '10
CharcoalSeatStraight All Polish4' 0' '1' 2' '0' 4' '10
CharcoalSlant CubeSlant Stick Pol 26' 6' '1' 0' '1' 5' '20
CharcoalSlant CubeSlant Stick Pol 26' 9' '1' 0' '1' 5' '10
Records 1 to 30 of 700  | Next